Field Company Cast Iron Lid


Vintage-style self-basting ridges on the lid underside collect moisture and ensure it drips evenly across the cooking surface, keeping stovetop and oven braises simmering smoothly. Field cast iron lids are 100% cast iron, including the seasoned cast iron knob.

Seasoned cast iron is safe for high-heat cooking and breadmaking, making our lid a better option that ceramic or enamel-coated products, or lids with synthetic knobs.

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Field lids are Made in the USA, like all Field cast iron cookware. We source recycled iron from American vendors, and use green sand molds to pour cast iron.

Cast iron lids are seasoned with multiple coats of grapeseed oil. No synthetic coatings, Teflon, or other materials.

Hand-wash only and dry promptly. Apply Field Seasoning Oil after use to maintain seasoning and prevent rust.

Like all cast iron cookware, our cast iron lids should never be cleaned in the dishwasher, or left to drip or air-dry.


Field Company


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